
Extraordinary Reliability

BeaconMedaes Lifeline® lubricated rotary vane systems define rugged reliability. The vacuum pumps are single stage, air-cooled and direct driven.  The compact, simple design allows for low maintenance, quiet operation, and long-lasting operation.

State of the art TotalAlertTM Embedded controls are the most visible part of the re-engineered medical Lubricated Rotary Vane system.  All Single Point Connection and Modular systems from 5 Hp and up feature TotalAlertTM Embedded controls as standard.  All Tank mount and Vertical systems feature the TotalAlertTM Embedded as an optional feature.  These features include:

  • High-detail touchscreen displays vital system information, alarms and warnings, maintenance screens, and event logs.
  • Embedded web server, remote monitoring, and e-mail/pager alerts.
  • Ethernet connectivity for simple installation and TotalAlertTM